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// dojo services

Content strategy

Content is mission-critical in digital experiences, particularly for e-commerce. Where most digital teams are focused on the e-commerce engine and production layout, Dojo provides an overt, purpose-built content vehicle aimed at suprassing existing audience engagement KPIs. 

We put the last thing usually considered - first


A comprehensive and disciplined approach to digital content

When it comes to a digital presence, content is often dealt with last (or not at all)  in context of the deadlines of a current assignment: copy for buy flow, copy for blog post, etc. Dojo Partners helps our clients establish and manage an organized, legally sound content strategy so the digital narrative is more consistent and, most importantly, effective.


Dojo Partners staff content strategists to create an effective content generation framework to help internal stakeholders align on content approach and creation and writers to generate content across different internal teams. Dojo testers run rapid copy tests to determine effectiveness and audience response, especially in mission-critical digital experiences such as e-commerce. 

// case study: content strategy

Shoring up e-commerce KPIs



Dojo Partners created content teams to partner with internal e-commerce resources to create a tested, effective voice for e-commerce spanning different audience segments and e-commerce packages. 

virtual theme park planning streaming tv production human centered healthcare better commerce through research virtual life of teenagers making government sexy again scaling content platforms...

This is what is currently keeping us busy these days. We are actively supporting a wide variety of clients with the same goal: helping them to compete and grow in an all digital world.

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