// dojo services
Brand permissions
Brand permission is a critical conceptual gate for any digital product, solution or service strategy. Just because a company can offer a particular service doesn't mean they should (or could). Dojo Partners go-to-market experts use ethnographic and quantitative testing to ensure companies operate within the brand permission of its customers and tailor their product straetgy to a position of strength and differentiation.
Customers have choices for digital services

Brand permission is the bedrock and ultimate gateway for customer acceptance. If you don't have brand permission to offer a competitive digital service or solution, your customers will not accept it, no matter how compelling the service offering is. In other words it becomes a wasted initiative that actually undermines the existing brand relationship.
Dojo Partners consult with client stakeholders at the initiative level to gut-check whether or not the solution they want to offer will be considered appropriate by their customers.
We use focus groups and prototypes to assess customer impact and either find the territory where customers will accept it or modify offerings to create distinct value from other choices that align with the relationship customers have with the brand.
// case study: use case development
An asymmetric approach to cloud services

Dojo Partners developed an asymmetric product strategy for a mobile operator cloud service. The cross segment cloud service was not gaining traction with customers and we developed a different product strategy that would appeal to operator group or family lines and create a useful mobile service that enhances a natural brand relationship families have with their mobile phone service.
virtual theme park planning streaming tv production human centered healthcare better commerce through research virtual life of teenagers making government sexy again scaling content platforms...
This is what is currently keeping us busy these days. We are actively supporting a wide variety of clients with the same goal: helping them to compete and grow in an all digital world.