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great   migration?

are you ready for the

InVision is shuttering its doors and Adobe backed out of its Figma acquisition... What are you going to do now?


Figma Eat World

collaborative  borderless transparent community-driven open-sourced

Figma provides a great degree of flexibility and publishing power, but even Figma has limitations. Dojo Partners tokenized Figma and used AI to create a closed-loop collaboration environment in which content and design updates can be fluidly translated into shared, real-time code. This provides increased production, flexibility, lower costs and lower test times. In other words, you can now do way more with less resources. Digital Automation enables you to think and act truly digital while saving costs and achieving the kind of results a digital environment demands. 


Data migration and documentation debt are onerous programs, make yours count.

Figma provides a great degree of flexibility and publishing power, but even that has its limitations. Dojo Partners has tokenized Figma and, using AI created a closed loop environment in which content and design updates can be fluidly translated into real time code. This provides increased production, flexibility, lower costs and lower test times. In other words, you can now do way more with less resources. Digital Automation enables you to think and act truly digital while saving costs and achieving the kind of results a digital environment demands. 






We use AI and tokens to automate and accelerate digital production up to 200% while reducing cost and speeding up releases.

If you are thinking about migrating your digital design and production platform, think about automation now, not later.

Most companies who rely on digital publishing use one or all available design and production tools. The planned consolidation between Adobe and Figma not only solved Adobe's roadmap but it made companies who held Adobe licenses think twice about migrating to Figma which, many team members advocate for. With the merger cancelled, Dojo feels there is but one choice to make: Figma.

Of course library and data migration are costly and time consuming no matter which method is applied. However, if it is to be done, Dojo strongly recommends taking advantage of automation early as it will yield productivity and efficiency gains faster - reinforcing the financial rationale for migration in the first place. Dojo's Digital Automation solution helps companies taking the Figma plunge realize these critical KPIs sooner and reap the benefits of the opportunity before new library debt occurs. 


Increase the velocity of design work and production work with a more flexible environment




Reduce the time and cost of design updates even well into development with tokenized wireframes and code
Reduce development, UAT time and cost creating a more flexible environment and less rigid design deadlines




Digital Automation Solution offerings

Digital Automation fits all Figma-centric production environments. We know that no two digital production environments are the same, so we have created a flexible solution that precisely designed for your business. 


So if you rely on Figma or are considering a migration, the time is right to consider how our Digital Automation solution can be the right fit for your digital business.  From analysis to staffing, we can custom-tailor and right size the ideal solution for your business. 

Systems Analysis

We will analyze your current tools, processes, integrations & environment to assess the best way to migrate to a design automation system.

Deployment & Installation

We will build a tokenized Figma instantiation of your current design system, integrated into a code repository, suitable for integration with front-end UI development workflows.

KT & Training

We will work with your design & development teams on Figma training and process adjustments to gain maximum efficiencies in time, cost & quality.

Staffing & Resourcing

If you want to augment your staffing, we can provide highly trained design & development professionals to fill resource gaps & fast ramp the new tool.

Better brand consistency and compliance for digital properties

Here's what it's like building a new website using exsting branding and tokenized code libraries.

Rapid proof-of-concepting

Digital Automation helps your team build poof of concepts working with ambiguous requirements as digital properties are being created. 

Rebranding digital properties at scale

As your digital libraries grow so too does the scale of your digital experience that needs to be developed as new brand elements, design elements or tokenized components are introduced. Digital Automation helps you introduce new elements gracefully and at scale. 



Sometimes resourcing is even more difficult and expensive than harnessing new technology. Why not let us help you with both?


As your digital libraries grow so too does the scale of your digital experience that needs to be developed as new brand elements, design elements or tokenized components are introduced. Digital Automation helps you introduce new elements gracefully and at scale. 




Are you ready to run the numbers on a modernized and automated digital production environment?



Contact Dojo Partners for a free evaluation on the right fit for your organization.

Orange County
Washington D.C.
Dojo Partners digital Experts


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This is what is currently keeping us busy these days. We are actively supporting a wide variety of clients with the same goal: helping them to compete and grow in an all digital world.

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